Sunday, October 13, 2019

Slow and Not Very Steady

You know what's a slow process?

Making hentai games. Or well games in general but we're talking about the kind people like to play one handed here. Know what else is slow? Hentai game blogs, apparently. It's been exactly 7 months since my last post. Cool.

Regardless, things are coming along. It's going to continue to be a slow process as I have work I need to for my actual job, but it definitely has at least 12 more minutes of content than it did 8 months ago. Pinkie promise.

Last post I said I'd talk a bit about factions but that was a stupid of me because everything is still pretty early in development and keeps changing. BUT what I will say is I'm currently working on 2 different fairly large faction quests that will change the world somewhat depending on your choices.

Alright I don't have much else to say, I just felt like I needed to make another post. But while you're here, here's a few screenshots from an early build of the game showcasing Chase's custom vault-suit inspired outfit and a Mega Mutant among other .. things. Just keep in mind these are all from a work in progress build.

Okay bye

(Also I turned on anonymous comments. Thanks for the suggestion, random 4chan anon 8 months ago because I didn't see what you said until recently)

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Making Progress

Oh right I have dev log. Should probably use that more.

WELL. The last few months have been just wonderful for getting work done on Degenerate's Den. And by wonderful I mean my tablet broke so I had to a new along with christmas presents all while my windows 10 got corrupted. So I've mainly been focusing on work work to try and get back on my feet.

THAT BEING SAID.. I have been making some decent progress. The starting map of the game has more than doubled which I think will make exploration more... Explorey instead of "Oh wow I've found every location in 30 seconds cool".

I've also decided to not include combat in the game. And while that could change in the future, my current thinking is leaving out combat lets me focus on designing quests and, you know, art for the scenes. Kind of important in a porn game. So as of now the bulk of the gameplay relies on dialogue choices, light puzzles, and exploration.

My current struggles have been deciding what to prioritize for the initial public alpha/beta/demo version of the game. I have SO many ideas for events/quests for the game that I want to put in right away when there's plenty of other things I should be focusing on first. I'm impatient.

And finally I'm changing the name of the game from Fallout: Degenerate's Den to The Wastes: Degenerate's Den. That change comes from 2 places mostly. First I really don't want Bethesda's very kindhearted and broad shouldered goons to come after me. And second the game has just evolved a lot from my initial Fallout Parody idea. I've been injecting a lot more of my original ideas into the game at this point so it just makes sense that I label it as it's own thing that's just inspired by Fallout.

And I think that should just about cover it. I'm not really sure who these updates are actually for, probably myself. But it's nice to keep track of this kind of thing for fun anyway.

Next update I'll delve into the various factions and other cool things you might come across exploring The Wastes.

Thanks for reading, have a totally consensual wip